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Karma Beach welcomes sophisticated drinking den Le Club 22

When it comes to spending your time at Uluwatu’s Karma Kandara, the opportunities are endless. This is particularly true when it comes to food and drink, with the luxury resort host to a handful of outstanding eateries, and a growing collection of drinking dens. The latest addition to its burgeoning population of venues is Le […]

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Hot Topics Latest News Travel Tips

Ways to Save Money for Holiday Travel

Many people want to travel for the holidays but they don’t feel like they can because their budget doesn’t allow for it. Yet there are plenty of ways you can raise money to be able to do so. The sooner you start making a plan and determining how much money you will need the more […]

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Culture Featured Hot Topics Latest News Travel Tips

Balinese Hindu Culture

In compared to the rest of Indonesia, in Bali, you will experience a completely different culture; the Balinese Hindu culture. When you travel, it is respectful to learn about the culture in question. Here, we briefly explain what this Balinese culture means, what the religion is, and what the manners are. Religion Most of the […]

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Featured Hot Topics Latest News Sanur

Sanur Starts to Get Busy

The beachside town of Sanur experienced a soar in visitor numbers over the Eid Al-Fitr weekend. Sanur port serves as the main transportation hub for boats to Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan. Nusa Penida and Nusa Lembongan are popular weekend getaway destinations for both domestic and international travelers. Sanur Port runs a smooth operation and […]

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Featured Hot Topics Latest News Sip & Dine Travel Tips

Top 10 Dishes You Must Try in Bali

In general, there are tons of good food to enjoy in Bali. Whether you prefer sweet or savoury, meat, fish or vegetarian, high dining, street food or quick takeaways, this island offers all treats for every tummy. The dishes below are a small but representative selection of some of the unique delicacies presenting Balinese cuisine. […]

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